Worship as one
Worship As One is a community building worship event that we bring to military chapel communities. The event typically occurs in three phases: Seminar, Ministry Highlight Fair, and Worship Concert. Contact us now to bring this event to your installation!
The event begins in the afternoon with a training seminar on worship and leading worship. This is meant for current worship leaders and teams in military chapels who would like to take their team to the next level. We discuss theology, leadership, worship, gear, and tips and tricks we have learned over the years. This seminar is based on Psalm 33:3, and we encourage teams and leaders to “play skillfully for the Lord a new song.”
Following the seminar, we ask the host chapel to serve a meal for those in attendance. During the meal and before the concert there is a local ministry highlight fair. Renegade reaches out to local ministries that support the military community and invites them to host a booth at this fair. The fair allows those in attendance to see what ministries are available to them, and where they can plug in. Also, this is where we see a great deal of cross talk between ministries who go on to form relationships and work together. The fair is based on the text from Hebrews 10: 24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another...”
Following the dinner and the fair is the worship concert. Renegade brings in professional musicians, tech and sound teams to lead the community is a special one of a kind worship service. This is the highlight of the event for most in attendance. We do our best to bring something into a military community that they do not get to experience on a regular basis. The idea originally was born out of a desire to revive chapel communities facing the stressful military lifestyle and demands. We seek to invite all local military communities to be involved in this worship event. It is a chance for all chapel services and denominations to be gathered together under one roof and worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. We focus heavily on Jesus’s words from John 4:23 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”
Help us reach more military installations this year by making a donation.
“Our men’s group bible study has doubled in size after the ministry fair at the most recent Worship as One event. I’ve never seen such a blend of people in a military chapel.”
“Worship As One was an amazing experience that gathered the whole community together. It was great to meet and worship with a lot of other believers.”
“To be able to worship as one with my brothers and sisters in Christ is really a blessing! So many of us with different stories brought together for one purpose, to worship our risen Savior! What a wonderful night.”